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Alignment Guide
How QUEST Creators Aligns to CCSS ELA & CASEL Competencies

Discover how QUEST Creators meticulously aligns with Common Core ELA Standards and CASEL Competencies, ensuring a holistic educational journey from K-8.


Uncover Curriculum Alignments with Our Guide

QUEST Creators Standards Alignment Cover
  • Discover Seamless Curriculum Integration

    Uncover how QUEST Creators seamlessly integrates with Common Core ELA Standards and CASEL Competencies, ensuring a standards-aligned educational journey.

  • Nurture The Whole Child

    Explore the multi-dimensional growth opportunities embedded in each unit of QUEST Creators through our comprehensive Alignment Guide.

What is QUEST Creators?

QUEST Creators is an opportunity for students to become the architects of their own learning experience. Through the creation of original characters, artwork, and storytelling, students develop their very own episode of QUEST!